"Hay lugares del país en donde no se han presentado casos de COVID-19, pero también hay municipios o ciudades como Cartagena, Cali, Barranquilla, Bogotá, Tumaco, Buenaventura y Leticia, que tienen contagios por encima del promedio. El promedio nacional de contagios está alrededor de 1,27. Sin embargo, hay ciudades que presentan un 0,85 y otras que están por encima de 1,3. Por eso estamos aplicando las estrategias respectivas, dependiendo de las necesidades de cada territorio (...)De acuerdo con la progresión de cada ciudad o municipio, los alcaldes tendrán que definir las medidas, apoyados siempre en las recomendaciones del Ministerio de Salud y del Ministerio de Interior"" dijo Ruiz en entrevista con Blu Radio.
La recomendación que se conocerá esta tarde, según dio a entender, es que en municipios "vulnerables" como Tumaco, Buenaventura, la cuarentena se extendería hasta el 15 de junio, y que el aislamiento obligatorio para la "población vulnerable" como adultos mayores de 70 años, personas con morbilidades como alta presión arterial, diabetes y problemas arteriales, y menores de 17 años, continuaría hasta el 30 de junio como medida preventiva.
Cabe recordar que la semana pasada, Duque anunció que la emergencia sanitaria continuaría hasta el 31 de agosto, y que la cuarentena nacional continuaría hasta el primero de junio. Hasta la fecha en el país hay 23.003 casos confirmados de COVID-19.
The Minister of Health, Fernando Ruiz, expressed in an interview that the mandatory isolation could be extended until mid-June, depending on the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in each city or municipality, and until the end of the month for older adults, minors 17 years old, and people with pre-existing diseases.
The Minister of Health, Fernando Ruiz, expressed in an interview that the mandatory isolation could be extended until mid or late June, depending on the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in each city or municipality. So far, the cities with more than a thousand confirmed cases are Bogotá, (7,386), Leticia (1,505), Cartagena (2,149) and Barranquilla (1,483), according to data from the National Institute of Health.
This afternoon the decree that regulates what President Ivan Duque called "intelligent isolation" will be released. The document will reveal the details of the extension of the quarantine, and the reopening of various economic sectors from June. Ruiz expressed that the decree will have a novelty: in cities where there is a high contagion rate, it will be recommended not to lift the quarantine until June 15.
"There are places in the country where there have been no cases of COVID-19, but there are also municipalities or cities such as Cartagena, Cali, Barranquilla, Bogotá, Tumaco, Buenaventura and Leticia, that have infections above the average. The national average of Contagions is around 1.27. However, there are cities that present a 0.85 and others that are above 1.3. That is why we are applying the respective strategies, depending on the needs of each territory (...) According to the progression of each city or municipality, the mayors will have to define the measures, always supported by the recommendations of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of the Interior, "" Ruiz said in an interview with Blu Radio.
The recommendation that will be known this afternoon, as he hinted, is that in "vulnerable" municipalities such as Tumaco, Buenaventura, the quarantine would last until June 15, and that the mandatory isolation for the "vulnerable population" as older adults 70 years, people with morbidities such as high blood pressure, diabetes and arterial problems, and under 17 years, would continue until June 30 as a preventive measure.
It should be remembered that last week, Duque announced that the health emergency would continue until August 31, and that the national quarantine would continue until June 1. To date, there are 23,003 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the country.